My Story

Welcome to Sundried Jewelry! I'm Claire and I created this business back in 2015. I started making jewelry, bottle cap earrings and simple wire wraps, when I was 10 years old. I can't tell the story of how I got from there to here without introducing you to Gary.

Gary was a constant in my life since the day I was born. He was my 'manny', my friend, and a father figure. Gary was an artist and a true craftsman. He made beautiful jewelry and knives. He made experimental structures and furniture from willows. He saw my interest in jewelry making and gave me a book on wire wrapping and the tools needed. He kept encouraging me to take my passion further and when I was 17 he bought me my first torch. He pushed me to perfect my style and wouldn't let any mistakes pass by. Gary taught me how to appreciate durable, beautiful & useful handmade objects and how to spot a well-made piece. He always believed in me and my ability and through moments of failure he would help me pick myself back up and keep trying. He passed away in August of 2019 and I lost one of my best pals. Whenever I am at my bench I hear his voice in my head, I inherited many of his tools when he passed and I love feeling his spirit when I am creating. I wouldn't be where I am today if Gary hadn't been in my life.

I make jewelry that can be worn for every activity. I love to surf, skate, raft, run, bike and be active outside. I always wear my jewelry during these activities and want to make things that you can wear and love all the time! Thanks for being on this journey with me and for supporting a small business. 
